更何况国际职场求职,尤其在国际-欧洲-英国-伦敦,这样的氛围里,大家从大一就开始实习,贯穿整个实习生涯,项目名称五花八门,最后超过半数以上的应届Offer发给了参加过实习的求职者,也就是传说中的Return Offer!
勤奋的小伙伴,最后临毕业可能return offer的数量,一只手都数不过来!
远程 Remote + 办公室 Onsite 编号 02UYQTED 公司简介 一家位于伦敦的品牌全案公司。主要服务范围有(但不限于)为品牌提供设计、内容制作、公关推广、法律服务等等。 **表现优异者有转正和获得T5的机会。 |
1. 日常拷贝、整理公司拍摄素材。
2. 作为剪辑/剪辑助理参与公司短片、广告项目的执行,负责粗剪、混音、校对等工作内容。
3. 配合导演及制片人进行公司有关剪辑的其他工作内容。
1. 对公司的作品有了解,有针对具体项目research reference的能力。
2. 艺术审美和商业触觉,兼具剪辑思维和剪辑能力。
3. 独立剪辑能力,能够全流程的操作剪辑软件,完成剪辑任务。
4. 对后期制作的其他流程(调色、特效)具有兴趣,愿意钻研。
5. 优秀的时间管理能力。
远程 Remote 编号 02KAYQTT 公司简介 一家位于伦敦的跨境平台,中欧科技的桥梁。主要业务包括(但不限于)跨境咨询服务,创新中心运营,横跨中欧技术和创新生态系统等等。 |
The responsibilities will be mainly in drafting up our press releases and marketing materials
• Website management: build up new sessions on company’s website, and daily maintenance (English) by using Wix
• Marketing materials design: the team creates marketing materials to market opportunities such as competitions, events and insight trips that company provides
• Assisting in projects
• Assisting in ad-hoc tasks as required
Essential criteria:
• An understanding of the fields of technology transfer and business consulting would be an advantage.
• Business level communication in both English and Chinese(both oral and written)
• Attention to detail and a team player
• Excellent user of WIX,Photoshop and Illustrator.
• Strong writing skills in Chinese and/or English
• Proactive, self-driven, confident and independent
• English and Chinese (REQUIRED)
远程 Remote 编号 02DUQESY 编号 一家位于伦敦的跨境平台,中欧科技的桥梁。主要业务包括(但不限于)跨境咨询服务,创新中心运营,横跨中欧技术和创新生态系统等等。 |
The responsibilities will be mainly in drafting up our press releases and marketing materials
• Website management: build up new sessions on company website, and daily maintenance (English)
• Press releases: the team regularly posts press releases for our company events and major events in both China and UK (in both Chinese and English)
• Marketing materials: the team creates marketing materials to market opportunities such as competitions, events and insight trips that company provides
• Assisting in projects
• Assisting in ad-hoc tasks as required
Essential criteria:
• An understanding of the fields of technology transfer and business consulting would be an advantage.
• Business level communication in both English and Chinese(both oral and written)
• Attention to detail and a team player
• Excellent user of WIX, Twitter, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and Outlook.
• Strong writing skills in Chinese and/or English
• Proactive, self-driven, confident and independent
• English and Chinese (REQUIRED)