

其实好消息接二连三,我们能做的就是按部就班的做最好的准备,在机会出现时,准确的抓住!而且除了Mentor Michael之外,很多导师都反馈了这样一个信号!

校招的规模基本不受影响,初级岗位完全可以投啊~ 或许受影响的大多是社会招聘经验要求高的岗位!对于学生友好度Max的毕业生项目和机会,直接冲冲冲就好! 千万别原地等待offer从天而降哦!加油!

荣幸与你分享回顾本次线上Coffee Chat 与导师Michael 的交流过程,希望能够为你提供哪怕一丢参考!


– What is your current job at PwC and what does your everyday work life look like in lockdown?

– What is the biggest challenge you encountered during your career?

What kind of internal training is available for big4 employees apart from professional qualification training?

– You have had such exciting career to date- what would be one tip you would give to our candidates?




King’s college of London

Middlesex University


Mentor Michael studied MSC accounting and finance at King’s college of London and BA international business at Middlesex University. Mentor Michael have extensive experiences in customer focused operations, education and business development, as Mentor Michael have worked as an accommodation officer, cabin crew, student ambassador, recruitment consultant and set up  own business. By setting up the business allowed me to gain significant experiences in marketing and business development skills and acknowledges, as Mentor Michael built the website, establish network and partnerships, and marketing the service through different online platform such as WeChat, weibo indeed and reed.com.

Michael 导师围绕以上List中的主题做了深度分享,诚意君节选其中几个要点,迫不及待与你分享!

Coffee Chat 与你分享


What is your current job at PwC and what does your everyday work life look like in lockdown? 

对pwc 来说影响不是特别大,业务没有减少。对financial service 没有什么影响。

现在的工作内容主要是internal finance associate,主要做一些 financial analyst,关于tracing invoice等内部财务工作。

Lockdown之后其实对个人来讲,在家工作跟之前其实还是差不多,因为之前 every everything is normal的时候,也是Couple of days per week在家工作的状态。唯一的不同大概就是you don’t see other people like physical presence。没有那种 physical relationship building的感觉。不确定别的业务有没有受到影响,但个人感觉 lockdown可能减少了小企业的工作量。

The earth it seems to be no more as before。


What is the biggest challenge you encountered during your career?

Invoices 收到比较难

现在的工作的话,应该可能就是有时候你需要invoice,想要 aid invoice some time。这种时候就会比较困难,因为现在 pandemic大家可能回复的比较慢。

而且类似的这道题 Pwc的 VI也出过,如果 new problems in getting response from other people them … 这是一个很practical的 question,就是你像 the building relationship,但现在线下又见不了,所以说只能就是通过网上见面。

Build client relationship 会比较难



What kind of internal training is available for big4 employees apart from professional qualification training?

每个公司都有internal training resources, 方方面面可能涉及到Excel& cyber awareness等等,如果有你想学但是没有的资源,也可以向经理申请,

另外平时公司会发邮件,组织skills building seminar 和定期的分享New training resources,当然,资源会给到你,如果你愿意去构建自己的技能树最好,没有时间不安排也是可以的。


You have had such exciting career to date- what would be one tip you would give to our candidates?


很多时候 People receive a lot of rejections at the beginning and there will be put off at this, You can accumulate the experience then do better next time。最主要是 Apply as much as you can;

第二要Plant head!

Have a better career path;规划并在面试中证明自己。
